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1. Over the last 20 years, growth in construction employment has outpaced that for all industries. From 2000 to 2019, employment in all industries increased by 29%, whereas construction employment increased by:
2. As a registered apprentice in the construction industry you earn:
3. There’s a hidden bonus to earning while you learn—when most people complete their apprenticeship programs:
4. The construction industry provides opportunity for skilled, talented and ambitious young people to build life-long careers. With experience and drive you could become:
5. The annual salary of a skilled construction worker is:
6. As an apprentice in most construction professions, in most provinces and territories you'll:
7. Red Seal certification lets you work anywhere in Canada that your profession is recognized. According to careersintrades.ca the percentage of skilled workers employed in Red Seal professions is:
8. The number of women working in construction is growing every day. In 2019 the number of women employed in the Canadian construction industry was:
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